Michael A. Larsen, DDS, FAGDSky Sessions, DDS, MAGD
Rexburg, ID
(208) 359-1500
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Jumpstart Your New Year's Resolution for a Healthy Smile

December 20, 2021

Your oral health is very important. Yet, if you are like most people, you are probably slacking on flossing every single day or brushing your teeth as long as you should. However, no need to feel too guilty because a new year is coming! Now is the perfect time to get your New Year’s Resolutions planned out, including new and improved plans for your oral health. 

Oral Health Tips

1- Daily Brushing and Flossing

Your #1 New Year’s Resolution should be to brush and floss your teeth every single day. This daily habit will help prevent gum disease and improve your overall health. Brushing at least twice a day helps get rid of food and bacteria lingering in your mouth, as well as freshens your breath. In addition, flossing removes plaque and bacteria from the hard-to-reach areas that are in between your teeth. Daily brushing and flossing can help prevent cavities as well! The American Dental Association recommends replacing your toothbrush every 3-4 months.

2- Limit Sugar Consumption

Sugar attracts bad bacteria and is your teeth’ number one enemy. Sugar is a major culprit for tooth decay, and it can also lead to cavities. Acids in sugar eat enamel, the protective layer over your teeth. Unfortunately, it also destroys the protective tissues that hold your teeth in place!

Many people do not know how much sugar they are consuming daily. Sugary drinks like soda, diet soda, juice, and sports drinks all contain high levels of sugar that can wreak havoc on your oral health. The good news is that there are many ways to limit sugar consumption without feeling deprived! Your oral and physical, health will thank you for limiting your sugar intake this next year!

Check out this blog to learn more about how sugar can damage your oral health!

3- Quit Tobacco

Smoking and tobacco use are detrimental to your overall health, including your oral health. Smoking severely stains your teeth and turns them yellow. Smokers are three to six times more likely to have their teeth fall out because tobacco attacks the root of the tooth! Tobacco products also irritate the gum tissue, causing teeth to loosen and decay. Tobacco is also a magnet for bacteria, thus accumulating tons of plaque buildup. It is not a pretty sight and is extremely detrimental to your oral health! 

It takes a lot of resolve and dedication, but the rewards are worth it in the end. It's important to know that quitting tobacco doesn't happen overnight, but it can be done! There are many resources and support groups available to help you quit. There are many reasons why quitting tobacco should be on your New Year's Resolutions list, especially if you want to improve your oral health.

4- End of the Year Appointment

Now is the time to slip in one more dental appointment or cleaning before the year ends. Start the next year with a good understanding of where your oral health is so that you know where to start in your goal-making. Make sure to schedule your appointment soon so that you don't have any trouble fitting it in!

To learn more about how you can take care of your teeth during the holidays, click here!

Dentist Near Me

Our staff and dentists at Apple Tree Dental are ready and eager to help you with your oral health goals! Whether you need a pediatric dentist, a check-up, or an oral procedure done, we have what you need. When it comes to your dental health, you want to ensure that you are getting the best care possible. So click here to ask us any questions you may have, or call (208) 359-1500 to get started!

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Michael A. Larsen, DDS
Sky Sessions, DDS
33 Winn Drive Suite 2
Rexburg, ID 83440
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Monday – Thurs:  8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday: 8am - 12pm

Phone:  (208) 359-1500
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